Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

When I first spotted this book I was trolling through Wal-Mart. I like to swing by the book section because sometimes, as much as I read, I don't always keep up with the newest best sellers.

I was immediately drawn to this really strange cover. If you don't believe you can judge a book by it's cover, then all books would be covered in paper bags. THIS cover grabs your attention. See for yourself.

So first thing I did when I got home from my shopping excursion was order it from Amazon. Other reviews said don't buy an electronic version. DOWNER. I buy a lot of books for my Kindle. However after seeing it at the store. I agree. The pictures Ransom Riggs dug up for his book are worth it. Creepy children, there's nothing like it. I ordered it with my Amazon gift card (birthday) and I anxiously awaited it's arrival. Being a Kindle lover spoils the postal service for you.

It arrived yesterday. YES, YESTERDAY. I haven't opened it, except to gleam looks at those creepy children. I have a feeling it's going to be one of those books I can't put down. I hope I'm right.

I'll let you know as soon as I'm finished. Don't worry, I have a feeling you won't have to wait long.



  1. You are the second blogger I have followed that has recommended this book. I'm slowly finding myself drawn to "fantasy" books; they aren't the type I usually go for (Jane Austen anyone?). But being a weird fan of urban decay photos, the creepy children pictures are a slight draw ha ha

  2. Also! Did you ever read that book Herland I suggested? And you should read One Day by david Nicholls. Amazing and an complete emotional roller coaster but sooo worth it!

  3. Shannon, I finished the book in about 4 hours. I couldn't put it down. :) The review is coming!

    As a matter of fact, I did read Herland. I downloaded it on my Kindle immediately after you suggested it. What a great read. An interesting twist on "chic lit".

  4. "Herland", while I have issues with it mostly because I'm a romantic and not an uber feminist, was definitely interesting. I want to read the sequel but it's combined with an essay on feminism and $26. Maybe when I get my Kindle!

  5. I have a hard time with uber feminism too. I'm all for the right to vote, equal pay and "I'm just as good as a man" attitude. But I am not going to sacrifice shaving my armpits, buying cute pink sweaters and jeans that make my ass look fantastic (just so my husband can oogle me) so that I can raise up in arms about gender inequality. Because if there is one thing I've learned, boobs get things done, and I'm not ashamed of that.

  6. BAHAHA! YES! And I'm sorry, there's no way a village of just women got along that well!

  7. Not possible. It's almost children of the corn creepy. Like at some point the are going to murder in mass numbers. Hmmm. Maybe we could rewrite it.
