Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year. 1. You get to pretend you're something else for a few hours. 2. It encourages creativity in adults (also lots of drinking). 3. C-A-N-D-Y. It's the only time of year Matt lets me buy candy, in bulk. Who cares if we only get 3 kids for trick or treating. I have an entire bag of mini snickers calling my name. *High Five!

Charlie as a Ghost, Halloween 2010.
Also, Halloween is an excuse to dress up the dog without Matt questioning my sanity. :) Take for instance last year's debacle. It was a failure partly because of my inept sewing skills and Charlie's unwillingness. However I did snap this quick photo. His tail is wagging but that's only because I'm bribing him with treats.

So this year I have no idea what last minute costume I'll whip up for him, but you can bet it'll be just as bad.

In order for this post not to be a complete waste, I'm leaving you with some fun facts about Halloween I gleamed from our friends at Huffington Post. 

-Americans purchase nearly 600 million pounds of candy a year for Halloween.

-The top selling candy: Candy Corn. Americans purchase over 20 million pounds of it a year, though it is unlikely that every last one of those millions of candies was actually consumed.

-Candy Corn is the most searched-for candy term in Google -- more popular than candy apples, gummy worms and candy pumpkins. Searches for Candy Corn are up 10 pecent from October 2010.

-Out of all 50 states, Alabama searched for candy corn the most!

And to put all of that into prospective Lewis Black once said: The worst thing about Halloween is, of course, candy corn. Candy corn is the only candy in the history of America that's never been advertised. And there's a reason -- all of the candy corn that was ever made was made in 1911.




  1. Charlie is the cutest ghost ever and reminds me of the dog from Nightmare Before Christmas.

  2. YAY! You got it. I was aiming for Zero. He wouldn't keep the head piece on. :(
